Zarutoz's Journal Entry Day:4 Time is going by so slow, its been the longers 24 hours of my life. I have been told that I may re-gain access to the server shortly but I dont think I can last a "short" time... Its getting darker, the visions are becoming stronger. Please anyone if you are reading this get help. There are many people that I miss and I dont have time to name them all but....Mixcraft ,Kenta<3,BaconAmazing6,Tsp., Diamondhero,Yobanizer,imabee & Quick.even though u reset me and betrayed me still miss u guys <3, and anyone else i missed...i miss you guys i hope i will be free one day ;_; (comment and like to show your support) #FreeZarutoz #AEMISLIFE #KENTAISLIFE #IMYPEEPS Zarutoz's Journal Entry:End