Xxmodzz was Impersonating staff on zombies. I know that he was told that he can use /nick to nick himself "Mod" but was told not to act like one. http://gyazo.com/f6f72cecb79f283a6c6b598199632b56 @Pip Xanadu @zrinnn
A nickname is defined as a shorter version or a name you are called due to a certain an event, his name is xxMODzz. If he was saying "I am staff listen to me, I will ban you" then that is impersonation. If all he did was shorten his name to 'Mod' it's okay.
So if I see him again, what should I tell him? I know that he is allowed the name, but with the name he stated that he is staff and can ban people
I told him yesterday to change to modz. But i think evan mentioned a few times to me about him doing all these stuff. Not the first time.
Hey diamonds, just to double check, are you sure he was answering Noble here? I'm not home atm but will let zombies staff know so they can handle this. Thanks!