The staffs that I know of and that are my favorites are polo_17, jerekul, birdwatcher21, picasoyofame because they get on the server.
I have to say @Polo_17 just swag plain old swag @Jerekul even though he don't like me xD @Picaso because he's always there to help and he's a wizard and @ZhiRongPro for always being there to be called a nub xD
1. @HedgeTheHog (Retired)- Best staff of all time, he influenced me to become staff and has always been there to tell me I can do it. 2. @Pop_lina - Best mentor I've had even before I was staff. 3. @NinjusBoy Mod Buddies, Always there to help me 4. @Jerekul - Very hard working, I admire how he is always handling problems and helping players. 5. @Polo_17 don't cri nub u are a weird person ( you really made the list, just didn't wanna hurt Hedge's, Pop's, Ninjus's and Jerekul's Feelings xD)
gooberdude5, was kind and helpful with a touch of amusement and really meant a lot to me. ImSnazzy, a snazzy person with pizazz and eagerness Pip_Xanadu, a fair admin with a level head. (notice how each one is gone? They were the best)
Thanks fluffy & Captainrutabaga My favorites would have to be @Jerekul Always seemed to help me out even without a word said when I truly needed him before I was a staff member myself, and I honestly can say I will always remember that. @zRinne Love her humorrr xD I think its amazing how she has such a cheery attitude and still gets everything completely done with some jokes in between #respect @Picaso You are a wizard lol to me at least, I look up to you, lol never got into starwars much but all I know is you're like a Jedi and I'm the nooby padawan @BirdWatcher21 Always just and fair, I always wanted to help others and solve things in a set manner, she unknowingly showed me the roles, as well as a sort of motherly kindness @ZhiRongPro This guy shows me all the fun sides of things. After monotonous commands and reprimanding, he reminds me to let loose a bit and bring that swaggy attitude to the table, he's a bro & we help each other out left and right xD @EnderMist_123 Nub.
My favourite staff are @Jerekul @HedgeTheHog @Pop_lina @EnderMist_123 @ZhiRongPro @Polo_17 @Picaso . Because there are cool guys (and girl)!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Ninjus
@FelineWarrior Told ya. Im a weirdo but im loyal & honest I promise *cough* and obviously have swag *cough*
My favorite staff when in the past to the current. Thoink - it will always be Thoink, he has my highest respect, I want to learn from him, I wanted to catch up to his level and stand as his equal, but he left before I could get there. I still respect him even though it's been over a year. @Jerekul - He is bae and damn, you should see what he types, it's OP. Volkrot - I disliked him at first because he just kept ignoring me when I was new, and wouldn't answer my questions at all, but after talking to him every single day (especially when i became staff) I liked him, he was fun, sometimes annoying but still, fun. @SWI - He is a butt that has always helped me, even before I was staff, back then, players didn't know that Sys and Dev didn't need to communicate with players, as long as they got what they needed to be done yet he always talked to us, pulled out jokes and helped everyone. He is still a butt back then and will continue to be a butt now. @Trouble1122 - She is bae, what else can I say? ♥ The list can go on and on, in short, I love all the staff, they've been really helpful. Sometimes we can be stupid, sometimes we are serious but as long as we enjoy each others company and have fun together, what else matters? I love you guys.
1. @Bunny561 She has a lot of humor and makes me smile (Retired) Bunny (I think that's her nick) 2. @Snowball731 Is very hard working and helps everyone (Retired) Snow 3. @avery_richards Is weird and awesome and is weird again XD EvilAves 4. @HedgeTheHog Was always on to make people enjoy their life (Retired) HedgeHog (Idk his nick XD I made it up ) 5. @EnderMist_123 Is awesome dude! And she is always on LadyMist
@BomberDude96 always there to answer mah questions. @EnderMist_123 my favorite nub :rolleyes: @124jeter idek why lol