I've always wondered how people come up with their names. Some of them are pretty good while others I just don't understand. Nevertheless, I enjoy looking at everyone's name. So, what's the story behind your name? I haven't seen a thread like this on AEM yet, so I thought I'd make one. As for the story behind my name, it's kind of stupid, but here goes: I was growing tired of the name I was using, so I went 'name shopping'. I had a friend in my guild of the game I was playing at the time, and I may or may not have discretely taken the 'recon' part of his name. I also thought 'recon' was cool since the Halo 3 recon armor was all the rage back then. All I needed was something to throw in front of 'recon'. I thought of a few things before picking 'raining' simply because I thought it sounded nice and I got a double r sound. I added the 'The' rather recently. I was starting to tire of the name 'Rainingrecon' but I didn't want to retire the name. I decided to add 'The' as a silly little way to keep the name fresh. Now it's your turn. Don't be afraid to tell your story. =)
Mine was actually a dare from @mr_darkcobra. I suggested a new name for my account, and I came up with Mr_LightViper. He said he loved it, and now, It sticks
I was there. Creating my minecraft account. I was waiting, and waiting, waiting AND WAITING. Then i came up with the name: zombert2003. I got zombert from a game i made. And 2003, i dont know. So now you know it.
I've read the stories above and I love them! =) For you lurkers out there, don't be afraid to post! I don't bite. =)
I have a dog named jawa whats why I chose mine wana learn more about me? https://aemservers.net/threads/jawa7778.4139/
There used to be a thread where we wrote the story behind our in game name. I think someone deleted it. My ign is zRinne. I chose it because of Rinne リンネ which meant reincarnation. I had a tough time growing up and adapting to people I meet just to fit in. I lost my way throughout my journey in finding myself. Thinking "Hey, this isn't where I want to be" This isn't who I wanted to become. I did many wrongs in reality that I can't walk away from. Those who betrayed me and walked out, I want to forgive them by forgiving myself. Thus reincarnate and born anew person. Right now I'm still on my journey, finding myself.
Well "Franco" is a character of mine, and his species is "Arhetian". Put 'em side by side and well...thar ya goh!
I was watching 1 of Etho's youtube videos and when watching it I heard Diamonds when creating my account and since 123 or 1 or 2 or normal diamonds didn't work I just came up with a random number lel
My in game name is Hedgehog1827 The Hedgehog part is not because I like hedgehogs, it's not but at the time I used to spike my hair up and it was all pointy like a Hedgehog... theres another reason but rather not share The numbers... I'd rather not share too lol
@HedgeTheHog So it isn't because you were originally doing the "Shrek is Love" bit with Sonic instead?