Want a cool custom skin? Follow the template below in your comment! (Everything below IS required) In game username Time zone 1-3 Theme colors Style of skin (ex. Girly, hipster, cool etc. BE SPECIFIC) Gender Hair color (I can dip dye the hair, 1 color of dip dye max! If you want dip dye include the color as well! If you do not want dip dye, comment what color hair you want only!) Eye color Skin tone (DO NOT BE RACIST) Any other ideas you have! Custom skins take time to complete so I finish them based on difficulty, then the order of the comment! Even if you comment first, if your skin is more difficult, yours will be done closer to the end! Because custom skins take so much time and creativity, I decided to charge $100 + in-game money depending on the difficulty and time that the skin took. I only play Towny Survival. If you need to wait a few days to save up that's perfectly fine! Please mail, pm, or comment me if you need to set up a time where you can go on Towny to pay me! Once your skin is finished, I will tell you the name of your skin. It could be as easy as your username, or as hard as something like Salty Pickles. IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR SKIN RUSH FINISHED, LET ME KNOW! THERE IS AN EXTRA FEE OF $300! PLEASE HAVE YOUR COMMENT FOLLOWING IN THE EXACT ORDER OF THE ABOVE TEMPLATE! IF A COMMENT IS NT IN THE CORRECT ORDER, I WILL NOT COMPLETE THE SKIN UNTIL IT IS RIGHT! It is easier for me to read the comment and finish your skin faster when the comment is in the correct order so I don't have to keep picking out bits of pieces of information which is more time consuming and a slower process.
mooshie5 (Like a boss) Erm.. Can it be in like black and white? >.< Girly Girl Black? Grey Umm.. White XD I want it to be a cute skin but in black and white >.> Ty c:
Ok I've finished your skin! Once you've paid $300 on Towny, I will tell you what name to search on www.minecraftskins.com
JL11111 Colors of Yoshi :3 Green like Yoshi :3 Yoshi :3 None, It's YOSHI. Sunglasses over eyes. I want Yoshi to have black sunglasses over his eyes, with a black leather jacket on and Nike(TM) Sneakers on
In game username Pip_Xanadu 1-3 Theme colors Dark Green/Black for robe Style of skin Mage/Wizard Wolf http://ayame1014.deviantart.com/art/PipXanadu-361387275 (for reference) Gonna be messing with Magic Mods on a mod pack I'm playing so figured why not Gender Male See the Link above for the rest Heya alissa_xo. I'd like to see what you'd come up for me. I'll be asking another person as well but I will still pay for work & time on the skin even if I don't use it so you won't be ripped out of any money for work & effort. ^_^ Payment will be upon completion and notifying me via Website, either fourm or PM.
Hi Pip, the whole wolf idea is easy, the wizard style not so much. XD I'm excited to do this skin because it's out of my comfort zone and I like a challenge. Is there any way you could send a few more pics or links so I could get a better idea of the style of the outfit you want?
Hello! I have finished your skin! I will charge $100 in-game since it was an easier skin! Please let me know when we can meet me up so I can tell you what name to search for on www.minecraftskins.com after you've paid! I'm available now if you can go on.
http://i684.photobucket.com/albums/vv208/lovexrwf/Wizard Robes/06/3.jpg?t=1285673563 http://s684.photobucket.com/user/lovexrwf/media/Wizard Robes/06/1.jpg.html?t=1285673560 Something to this nature