Hey so I currently have been waiting forever in a half for any such (CONFIRMED) information on the Survival update. I have 50$ sitting next to me, and I have already talked to my teachers about taking a day off for it. So I just want a update, just a simple "Yea we are still working on it, almost done!" or a "Naw fam you get nuthin" Anything would help (PS: Also don't come in and tell me "They are very busy and please be patient" I am aware of the fact that they are busy, but I just want a update on the updates.
It's just like OP Prison and Skgrid upset. They say they're being worked on, but we all know dats just jokes. ;D
Yeah I think all the games could use a little freshening up. It does seem kinda I hopeful but maybe, just maybe someone will try and revive thing a bit. :3
I am not trying to bad-mouth staff, the owners, or anyone by saying this, but you guys leave us, the people whom keep the server alive, in the dark about what is happening, and it kinda sucks :/ We want to be assured stuff is actually happening, and that you didn't just forget...
I understand your frustration but sadly the way aem is set up from what i understand is that not too much staff is needed because of the forums like this and because they can control everything that happens on the server through their computers to assure safety....