I was on planet 1 running around the sewers, when I found the remains of somebody. As there was a chest right there I decided to be kind and put it in a chest. As soon as a player named rip_jaw12 got there I started typing a message. I guess after he got everything he used flint and steel and started to burn me alive. I outran him and another player. I then did /mothership and was safe. But as I am unfamiliar about what should be done, I would like to know what should be done.
1. Try to get some form of proof (screenshot, video, etc) 2. Contact a mod in game. 3. If that fails, come to the forums.
ugh, I have a hard enough time living if these people try and kill me. Just gave Aguy582 a iron pick so we could mine togather when I started mining he mined a few blocks so that I started burning in lava.
Planet 1 is non-pvp. Planet 2 is pvp. Unfortunately, people don't seem to read/care about the key difference between the two planets..
Planet 1 is non pvp. If possible, try getting some proof like screenshots. F2 to take screenshots and upload there >CLICK HERE< then link it back here.
Don't think they will resolve to that. Otherwise in all other servers, it would be done as well. Wait til he finishes updating everything so staff gets the perm to tp to players in planet etc so we can check if it's on-going. Also the victim can get some evidences (Screenshot, video proof, etc) so we can take action accordingly.