Who am I reporting: Bearcraft_ftw and Barfsupreme Server: Skygrid. Time: just now What did he do: Someone said that he scams, so I tpd to him (with no items) and I appeared inside /warp pvp where he and Barfsupreme killed me. Heres the proof: http://imgur.com/EqGSk3l http://imgur.com/jPbiqHP Bearcraft_ftw deserves to be banned more than Barfsupreme, im just making a note that he did it too. UPDATE: He just said this to me: http://imgur.com/ZKQfAkD 2ND UPDATE: Now Barfsupreme is making things up, so he should also get banned: http://imgur.com/5XnbPvz http://imgur.com/r1br2XL