Hi guys, my name is Meg and I am a noob (though Alex M. is a nub so it's all good) to Minecraft. I've only been playing for about 6 months now, but am completely and utterly addicted. I work, I sleep (barely), and I game. Besides Minecraft, my other favorites are The Sims 3, Dead Space, Bioshock, and F.E.A.R. to name a few. I tend to like first-person shooters where I can kill people and blow shit up! Or FPSs that scare the crap out of me, those I love too. But my other main addiction is the Sims 3 and it was friends that I play the Sims with that turned me on to MC in the first place. My Gaming Story: How did I start playing Minecraft, you ask? Well I'll tell you. Not even six months ago I was blissfully unaware that MC even existed! I was happily building in the Sims, shooting monsters in F.E.A.R., and screaming my head off while playing Dead Space when a few fellow Simmers started to talk about this game called Minecraft on Skype. I had never heard of it, but went to check it out. I was skeptical at first from looking at pictures and videos of it, not sure that I would enjoy playing it after being used to all my other graphic-powerhouse games. Little did I know (or did I?) how addicted I would become to this game! It took about an hour for me to find my footing and since then I think there have only been a handful of days that I have not loaded MC up. I started out in Survival with my friends on a vanilla server. I do remember that I went into Skyblock on that server when Survival was down one day. I popped onto my island, immediately cut down the tree and dug up all the dirt. I had ZERO idea what Skyblock was all about. Anyway, we were content on that server for a bit, but wanted more. So the hubby of one of my friends made us our own Survival server and we proceeded to own that in very short order! After we had done everything and killed the Ender Dragon we needed more. So we found the AEM server and played Zombies. Okay, THEY found the AEM server and I played Zombies once. :rolleyes: Until... that day, a few months ago that I was dragged kicking and screaming from our Survival server to play Skyblock on AEM. I spent the entire first few hours doing nothing but asking questions and wondering how the hell I was supposed to have fun on a floating 10x10 piece of dirt where there was NO MINING! I was seriously doubting this whole Skyblock thing.... and now it is ALL.. I. DO! I freakin LOVE Skyblock and have barely even looked at any of the other servers. Skyblock is my THING now and I can be found in Skyblock every night. Unless I'm working and then I can still be found there, just a bit later than usual. It didn't take long for me to want it all in Skyblock, so I jumped in with both feet by getting Elite, then went Extreme, then Premium, and was surprised one day with Skylord. Then on July 18th I was surprised yet again by being promoted to a Moderator on Skyblock, and shortly after I got Moderator on Creative and Helper on Survival. I spent almost 2 months modding Skyblock and the other gamemodes, until about a week ago when I was promoted to Administrator on Skyblock. I've had lots of fun times since getting staff and I look forward to many many more! More recently, I resigned from Survival as Helper to focus more on Skyblock because we were getting a reset there. Reset is awesome and brought many new players and old ones back. A couple of weeks ago I was promoted to Administrator on Creative. Then, just a few days ago, I was unjustly demoted from all of my staff positions on AEM. I guess we'll see how much longer I stay here. Since starting my Skyblock about 6 months ago, I have met a TON of great people on this server. Too many to list but you know who you are! (Trouble1122, DangerMcDanger, Hwangbo_, AlexM850, DelvinC, Casanova, MagoPlanto, Bomberdude96, Volkrot, Ksib, AtomicTNT_712, the_madster_101, SimplyMuse, OrangeyApples, DevilSpawn77, just to name a few!) All of you make playing on this server so amazing and I rarely miss a day now. Trubs and Danger introduced me to AEM so you have them to thank for my presence here but it is the rest of you that have encouraged my continued haunting of the place. Everyone is so helpful, fun, and awesome. And I especially look forward to Skyblock's "AEMAfterDark" hours where the conversations get just a bit more questionable. :rolleyes: Sending a huge thank you to Hwangbo_ who is the reason I am now a Skylord. <3 you! This server wouldn't be the same for me without him and so basically it is all his fault! About Me: Well, now that you know my MC story, I'll tell you a little more about myself. I am 31, I live in Orlando with my dog Sophie. I work at one of the theme parks here in a career that has NOTHING whatsoever to do with either of the two degrees I have. :rolleyes: Such is life, right? Moving on... I am fun, opinionated, outgoing, emotional, a "people" person, selfish, lazy, excitable, moody, weird, funny as hell, and an awesome person to go to theme parks and scary movies with. I don't particularly LIKE people as they are usually fairly annoying and I can't stand stupidity or ignorance but I put on a brave face and manage to not kill anyone every day. I am pretty proud of myself for that, actually. That said, I am great with people which makes me good at my job so go figure. I am addicted to food, sleep, and gaming, though I often ignore the first two to satisfy the third. If I could game all day, every day I would. Seriously... all. the. time. So anyway, that is me in a nutshell. If you're still reading this novel, thanks for sticking with it. If you need me, I'll be in the Skyblock server as much as is humanly possible. Cya! Meg