One big rule that gets several players banned is the rule that you can't say the name of another server. This used to be allowed on aem and it was just fine. Also, it's not even listed in /rules so people just say the names and don't know why they get banned. If this is allowed, AEM probably wouldn't lose any players, but because of this rule, about 10 players are banned so they can't play anymore for something they didn't know wasn't allowed. Probably 95% of other servers don't have this rule, and they don't have a problem with it. Obviously it should be bannable for people to spam "GO ON **********", just allow them to say "1v1 on ******?" Or "Hey didn't I see you before on *********?
Whenever we read content that's like "Didn't I see you on ***", we warn the player to not say server names. Not just jump the gun to ban. Also, saying server names is apart of advertisement which isn't allowed on all servers. Just because it's not "come play fake servers.test" doesn't mean it's not a form of advertisement. As staff try their best to use banning as a last resort. However most of these mistakes often take place in private message.
I don't ban people for saying a server name, its such a stupid rule... if thats the case mentioning any other game should be banable too!? Saying a server name or saying another game has the same effect. Saying a server IP on the other hand is blatantly saying come on this server and leave your current one, in that case I ban.
Exactly. And @GiRLCLAN he just said "1v1 me on ******." However, it was awhile ago so it might have changed since then.
Whoever may have said that, and got banned for it, most likely advertised once in the past and was warned. Saying the server name again blew their chances.