Because I have met so many awesome people over my time on the server and the longer I play it seems the more awesome people I meet. Well if I wasn't staff I would still play beause it is where I started playing minecraft (granted I failed at first with the parkour aspect XD) but I can always find something for me to find that I can occupy my time with. That's good never hurts to be curious
Just love skygrid, the whole concept is excellent and i find it more fun than any other format of mc. Plus the aem setup is really good, the best skygrid i have found, and i have been on most.
I agree with pop_lina. The concept is great, and it's one of the only games that I'm quite successful in. However, I haven't been on much in the past month, because there's really nothing to do anymore. Once the reset comes, my fire will be feuled again
is this a serious question? Its so much fun... I love the people well most of them.. its so different then any other gamemode
because I enjoy helping and the challenge of creating something new from scratch what can be enjoyed and benefit others allowing them to have more fun