Below are the rules for AEM Skygrid! Be sure to read all of them before playing! 1. Respect all staff and players. 2. Keep swearing to a minimal, do not spam, or speak in chat in all caps. 3. Hacked clients, x-ray clients, or any mods that give you an unfair advantage are not allowed. 4. Do not afk farm mobs or keep too many animals in a pen. 5. Griefing, raiding, & killing players outside of the PvP Arena is not allowed. 6. Afk machines are not allowed. (These can cause the server to lag in some cases). 7. Staff reserve the right to stop anything they find to be unfair that is not listed in the rules. 8. Teleporting players into the PvP Arena is not allowed. 9. Do not impersonate staff. 10.Do not afk at autofarms or grinders Please be sure to follow ALL of AEM's rules, and if you are unsure about one, it is best to ask staff before possibly breaking it. Be sure to report broken rules to staff instead of taking action into your own hands! If you find yourself banned, you can fill out a ban appeal at Remember that you can use /report (player) (reason) if you need staff assistance! Thanks, and we hope that you enjoy playing on AEM Skygrid!