This isnt meant to copy anyone. Ive had this idea for quite some time and im gonna start it. U guys know how this works... Name: Job ya want: Y u think u should be hired: How much u expect to be paid weekly: K these r the jobs i have in mind Miner Wood gatherer Supplier Assistant Builder (cuz im main builder) Personal assistant Redstone operative Griefer killer Digger Smelter (mainly for glass) Grinder builder Person to tear down failed builds Thats about it
A few things, firstly you can't have someone to tear down fails builds, unless they built it, it would be considered grief. Secondly, you can't have griefer killers, killing players is against the rules. Thirdly, you should explain what the jobs do, like assistant? Grinder builder? Also for smelter couldnt I just build you like five auto smelters as be done? Oh and one last note, IF I SEE ONE MORE OF THESE COMPANY THINGS I WILL WHOOP MANY PEOPLE. MANY.
... So what ur saying is that if i build sth and think its disgusting its not allowed if I GIVE PERMISSION for someone to tear it down?
U know what? Forget it. Anything i say anything i do i get criticism. I dont care anymore. This thread is useless, ill fly solo as usual
its not that i wanna copy anyone like i said. its just that if i do everything alone itll take 10 years, literally. i need help, and no one is willing to give it to me. im just pissed about it, and the fact that i do so many good and helpful things for others and get hatred in return doesnt help. and people who have done nothing get stuff like free 500 diamond blocks and 90k. its either im unlucky or ppl rlly hate me.
I help people a lot too, and I understand where your coming from. This person I met ( not saying who ) was extremely mean to me, and quite rude all around. Also, I leaned she had gotten 100k from someone. How can people whom are rude be so mean, and yet get such great things? I would say, shred, that it is just the luck of the draw. Either way, good luck to you man, when you need help you can ask me, and I would help you
Shred. Is that why you joinedVb. Corp.? Cause if it is, yay! Its not that i dont want your company to not survive, but i forgot to say, that thats what Vb. Corp. does. They have builders. They build for the town and build for you. Like help build for anyone. And i like what pottsa says in his post above this one. He is willing to help anyone. I would hire him if he asked. And thats why i give high payouts. So i dont get filthy rich nor the company. And if i do, thats why i do TriviaTime and Guess in chat. And i donate money to people if they need to get things from a shop to get started. Like i dont want to say whoo! Great ideas to me! But there is a way to get over 1.3 million a month. But with payouts, that would give about to me split with compant, $200,000 split with company. Cause the money will be also to support the land for the town. If you want to join my company, (not posting to get people to come to me) (cause i think i read shred saying hes not doing this.) go to the Vb. Corp. post or Join me after reset post. See ya on aem!