Even though the sugarcane and cactus prices were evened out, there are still many items in the shop that need a change in their value. No one wants voting/donating to be the only ways to earn money. Also, there should be more ways to make money rather than Automatic cactus farms, and everyone can find their one best way to make money. ~Enderpearls- Hard to get, but only sell for $20 for 16??? Enderpearls should be worth $6-8 dollars each. 16 should be $96-$128. (Fixed by Fats) (Gratz Fatz) (yay) ~Gunpowder- Easy to get once you have spawners, but spawners for them are extremely expensive, making it harder to obtain. 64 should sell for $320. ~Netherwart- One of the main farmable items in factions in general, but not on AEM. Maybe change price to 64 for $256. ~Blaze Rods- Farmable, but not very money efficient. Maybe 64 for $320. ~All Ores- Miners on factions barely make any money. The ore prices should all be doubled to make mining a way to earn money. ~Wheat- One of the lower money makers, but useful for starters. 64 should be $192 or $256. ~Seeds- Same situation as wheat. 64 should be $128. ~Melons- Automatically farmable, but the machines to make them are a bit expensive and they aren't that efficient. 64 for $256 wouldn't be OP. ~String and Spider eyes- Pretty much no one farms spiders, because you can only make about $100 a minute with multiple spawners and looting 3 and they cannot be automatically farmed. String should be $128 a stack and eyes should be $256 a stack. Thank you for reading, I hope u love mah colors!!!
some of these are a possibility, but when you make an argument with creeper spawners are extremely expensive...it is hard to take seriously.
??? Creeper spawners are a ton in the shop and cost 100 tokens, I only have a few and they are from raiding Evanyoshi
There are so many creeper spawners in the game they auction for under 10k. I want a reset because there are so many of them.
I also noticed that there were quite a few more creeper spawners out there than i had remembered before the reset. Is that because of duplicating them or just because of all the higher donors??
Yes fats, between me and my friend we have won over 11 creeper spawners in auctions. They are extremely easy to get. But I DO NOT agree with a reset because of them. <VIP> -stupid55319
The prices in the shop are so cheap to sell and very expensive. I think the prices to sell stuff should be higher.