Who are you reporting?: Ripride4 What server was this on?:Factions How long ago was this?: 30 mins What did he/she do?: Forcefeild and took 30 mins to show zrinne his options Proof:
that's not forcefield, forcefield = when people are around him/her and they start swinging really fast. btw the reason you couldn't hit him was due to hit detection this video shows what forcefield really is :
Yeah... I'm not seeing forcefield either... If it was FF he would of been hitting you w/o losing momentum while running away from you, multiple times in what I seen from that clip @Ricky Zheng 012
@Pip Xanadu Ive seen a lot of hackers on multiple servers and from my experience kill aura and for FF are different he probably had his kill aura of but the fact that he does have kill aura makes him automatically have FF. I will provide video proof of multiple players that do not have FF and post it on this thread and ill post some more of ripride.
Like I said the video has absolutely no proof of him using kill aura or force field, we can keep an eye on him but we cannot do anything without any proof there to back up a claim and/or our ban. But if you do get some solid evidence on him, that we can work with that.