Need help getting supplies for my restaruant: *Getting suppiles from live stock (animals) *Getting plants Positions avalible: *Chef (Cooks the supplies from the Farmer and Miner) *Waiter (Takes food to the tables) *Farmer (Harvest the crops and Kills live stock) *Miner (Gets coal for the Chef) *Register ("Owner"gets the money and splits it between everyone but he doesnt get money) Pay day: All workers will recive their share plus the money they get payed from the "Owner" Minimum everyone gets 50-100 every week (minecraft week) I'll be doing this before and after the reset (Give me time to make the restaruant after the reset) Thank you for your time
Yes i saw (i live near you) you should get back on and report the damages because it is not just the bar your whole house is kinda gone