So we all know or should know that survival is gonna get reset. But none of us know when the reset is gonna be.... right? But do anyone have any theories or some .... inside info that the rest of the survival community don't? Even if its only suspicions or just ideas or just assumptions illd be really interested to know
I reckon it will be mid july when everyone finishes their college/school education, that gives them time to build something new before they go back. just a thought.
Well, I keep hearing that it is supposed to occur between the twentieth and thirtieth of this month, but whether that information is accurate or not remains to be seen. What I would like to know is why some admin has neither confirmed or denied the reset on the forums. I like the server and its admins and all, but it seems like shoddy work not doing so. Keeping the player-base informed would be awesome.
actually just thought that it wont reset for a while otherwise they would have left the new pvp arena until after the reset. maybe in a year or so?
I was thinking that to but some countries have there holidays like opposite for instance where i live our main holidays is mid december to early February .
Can @AlexM850 possibly give a more detailed timeline if possible? If not I understand completely, and I have seen the prior post to this.
It is actually confirmed, I have talked to some of the upper staff and they have confirmed a reset. Another thing to keep in mind is they are always doing constant work, and they have a order in which they are resetting the servers, as far as I know factions is in the next 1-3 slots, only maybe behind Skygrid or Zombies. The best action to take is to wait, and see what the staff are going to say when they know for them self's the concrete information.