My dear reader chum a hearty hello to you. What an honour and privilege it is to have you perusing my written word. it is nothing short of tremendous to chat to and i hope now as where on sentence three your all sitting comfortably. Now that I have your attention it would be rude if I didn't tell you a little about my towny feast. So, here is the thing: is it just me or does anyone else find the whole new reset thing daunting? if not get of my profile page, but for those of you that do I have a propasal (and those of you that wanna read it anyway) SO the reset is coming if we like it or not. Due to a towny glitch me and 12 other residents of my town got kicked and so at the moment my towns economy is going down the drain due to this one glitch (while i was on holiday). BUT this whole situation has made me look into the future!!!!! (dadada) (heroic background music). So what i have been thinking is why don't a group of builders,farmers, redstoners, readers,reading this message make a new town! that is bigger and better than anyone before! We can decide on the style of the town and where it and all those things latter but right now i need a team A big team but only a team of people who i trust........ people on the towny Aem server ^_^ So who ever you are whether your a bit famous or not famous, young or old tall or short dark or fair beanpole or blonde soprano,alto,tena or base i'm hopeing they might relate my rants and yarns so that we can all build a better metropolis for tomorrow. comment under or on my profile page (INGAME DO) /mail send spystephen i wanna join the team (ect) If you want to come and help me build a city in upcoming update
A reset has been announced, but no actual reset yet...I heard Alex is moving again, based off what I read from other forum posts