Report of Chat Manipulation Possibility Akkarr

Discussion in 'Player Reports' started by ElderWolfAngel, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. ElderWolfAngel

    Jun 5, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Not but 20 mins ago I came in someone had started talking of being scammed, Akkarr spoke of how it would be pointless to submit a screenshot for proof because as he stated even chat can be manipulated through screenshot I told him it wasn't possible to my knowledge unless maybe knowing Photoshop like the back of your hand he said others may know how too as well and I've never heard nor been told of such a thing other than it being a hack.

    He later then took a screenshot with my words stated by one named Notch I've seen this one time before in my years at PVP were hackers had changed chat to make me say things I never typed I would redo the spot for you where be posted but he also removed it from the website of Igur, my issue with this is he's the only one who's admitted to being able to do this provided proof yet when I implore him to report it he gets offensive about it because he knows he'll be nailed along with doing it.

    Kept making the excuse that I was trying to create drama when I'm trying to get the word out if this is possible we cannot know for sure that peoples claims of scams are legitimize or other "claimed issues", I find it necessary to let ppl know of this though I guess it hardly makes a difference either way if it can't be tracked then it's pointless but as far as I've ever known this is the first time anyone's spoken let alone admitted to being able to manipulate chat.

    Not saying that Akkarr is a bad individual he's well liked among many members but the way I see it if it's able to be done we should improvise our ways of providing proof.
  2. Gluupor

    Apr 29, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    since i know how that chat was manipulated and its actually not external hacks but using the feature of a server command i think this report should be closed. (any staff /msg me here or ingame ill tell you how it was done; not publicly so the report section wont get swamped with fake screenshots)

    on the fake proof point: yes screenshots can be faked either with photoshop or i guess theres various other tools not considered MC hacks that can serve that purpose. its up to staff to seperate fakes from real shots and do proper research before making a decision.
  3. ElderWolfAngel

    Jun 5, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    well gluu if this was able to be done by chat why is it only select few know of how to do it? and even still why allow it to be used if it could alter a chat?
  4. Gluupor

    Apr 29, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    probably the person (the owners) who set up the perms werent aware it could be used for that purpose.

    and for the amount of ppl knowing it: theres a bunch of ppl out there that have no clue about MC and then theres those ppl that had a server themselves or that are studying the MC wiki all day. in this case while talking to akkarr over the day i realized that hes one of those that know almost everything about MC.

    in the case of this command we are talking about here: it is better that only few well even better that noone knows of it. in the long term its prolly best to remove permissions for it. (again /msg me here or ingame so i can provide the command and even an example)

    about this report: as for pointing out that there is an issue with chat manipulation (in this case a certain command that can be abused) it has been very useful.
    as for accusing akkarr of using hacks this is a false report and couldve been easily avoided by just asking the person (which i actually did) how he did it (a real hacker would never provide 100% proof of him actually hacking so the screenshot that was provided was just a proof of his point of screenshot manipulation being actually quite easy even without the use of hacks)