The stupid death machine is always the cause of the invincible zombie bug!!!! EVERY SINGLE TIME SOMEONE USES IT AN INVINCIBLE BUGGED ZOMBIE IS CREATED!!! So, I suggest that you REMOVE the death machine from zombies soon!! Like in a week!! If the death machine isn't removed soon I'M PERMANENTLY LEAVING AEM UNTIL THE NEXT UPDATE!!! So please hurry up and remove that stupid death machine! PLEASE!
Why not tell others to not use it as it'll cause a glitch zombie? And also you can use /helpop to tell a staff about it. Honestly it may not be remove, even if it does, it's not going to be in a week, we're not that free. If you leave AEM over a matter like this, then I'm sorry you feel this way. Either way, If you have chose to leave, thank you for choosing AEM and supporting us for the period of time. Hope to see you soon.
Telling people to not use something will not help. It will just let the Trolls rise. Example: ME: Guys don't use death machine there is a glitch Troll: Oh hey he doesn't want me to do something? Oh well Trolololol Everyone in: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Also it just raises more awareness to the other trolls so they can do it in the future also.
either way, something needs to be done to the death machine that will make it work properly to avoid anymore problems.