Seeing a lot of bow users lately, and in my opinion it's getting pretty annoying. I don't mind seeing it as a challenge, but what most bow users are doing is just camping their own island patiently, and not inviting anyone to skill based or challenging battle. My experience when a bow user enters a game is that nobody dares to leave their islands, making the game much less interesting and much more time consuming for everyone. Not sure what other players on this forum feel about bows. But from what I have heard from people that I have asked the last days is they are getting pretty annoyed. It just makes the game boring for the majority of players. Anyone else has some thoughts on this?
Easy way to dodge this. Strafe. Everytime they shoot move a direction, also you can be a camper and when they come to you snowball them off.
Of course it's the best choice to camp your island and wait for everyone if you have a bow. Does it makes the fights interesting? Nope. Also, one of the major differences with bow users and snowball throwing is that once you're shot off your bridge you're doomed to die from arrows hitting you while you try to swim up. Snowballs are not necessarily a threat as there is not as much push back, nor any damage. I am talking about sky wars, where there's not often too much space to run and strafe on, in case you didn't see. Usually I win versus bow users. It's just that the games are really slow, and not interesting at all.
Like clone said, they are pretty cheap. 75 points for that kit, and my favorite too.Cheap, yet quite effective
no way, the bow kit is something u can buy wt your points, It adds a bit of a challenge for the ppl who don't have a bow, if u can kill the bowman then u did a good job.