I've been thinking. People wanna be staff. But they're too young. Like me. So new staff rank, 12+ age. They have the power to mute and kick. But this is a test. Who can help the most? Who is more mature? I feel as if some 2yr olds could fo a better job than some staff... But if we had a rank that staff could view others on? I know that I wouldn't abuse, but you don't. So the staff look and see who is the best. I think people like littlekanf are probd better...
just a thought about this.... we have a rank like that called Helper, we have a few myself being one. but i guess people dont know that. And also our staff is all mature.
We aren't going to make someone staff, or create a new staff rank, just to keep a player from quitting. That being said, I really, REALLY want a Helper rank in Skyblock. Like SOOOOOOO much it's not even funny! It is on my list of things to bug Alex about, I promise. And the Helper/Trial Mod suggestion is definitely in the suggestion thread Bomber
I don't want staff... What I'm saying is give others a chance anyway... Why would I want staff? I quit...
this is a suggestion... Not for some 3 yr old to tell me to stfu... I'm quitting... That's why I'm trying to help but since you cant take that... So mature?
Mikey, I don't know who the hell you think you are or who you are talking to in your posts, but you have become completely and utterly disrespectful to staff and the server in your posts. I am locking this thread.