Which map is your favourite? And if you got time: what's so good about it? 3 Maps couldn't be added in the poll, it only allows 10 answers. So if you like these 3 maps the most, just post and it will be counted. Missing from poll: Water Fatigue (4 player map) Ice Caves (4 player map) Toybox (4 player map) My favourite map is Mutated Mushrooms. (4 player map) Because it's a map that doesn't take too long to finish, and the islands are relatively close to each other. The starting islands design allows you to easily counter the fishing rod campers because you can reach the islands from different levels. The mycelium also makes the map interesting, because you can use bone meal on mushrooms. This is something I do a lot on this map to reach other players faster.
Quartzbattlefield (4 player map) @Diamonds1358 It's annoying when there's no blocks in the chest!But it's rare so I think that map is kinda fun most of the times.
Toybox ! Its simple to throw a enderpearl on islands, are much resources under the clay and not too far away from other islands. so much i like about toybox Edit: nope, CakeWars Because its a simple map to win and there are diff ways to win.