Player Heads! Hey, So a while ago (Old Web Site) I saw a thread on having player heads bought into the factions server, I think that this should happen personally and I have talked to a lot of people on the Factions server that also think that they would be a good idea. Why? - Encourages people that dont normally pvp to start pvping a bit more - Adds another potentially high valued item to the economy - Can be used as a decoration on a faction home. Like a kill list - Adds a fun atmosphere knowing you have a certain persons head! How It Works? Its simple! When you are fighting a playing on the server, who ever wins gets the other players head as a item that drops along with the other players inventory! I added a picture of how the heads look once they are placed on a wall as a decoration
I believe Alex removed them pre-update on Factions due to it was causing problems with player's inventory and didn't want heads to crowd their inventory instead of actual items. I could be mistaken on that reasoning
I kinda like the player heads, coz they can go for a lot of money. How about we make the chance of a player dropping a head be like 1/25, so that they don't crowd their inventory.
I think that player heads would be awesome because people could auction high profile people's heads so that all the bad people can say they killed them like me
We removed them at one point because, in an update around the last factions reset they were very buggy + player heads causing server lag / crashes...with something Mojang was doing in the main thread i believe. (Conversions of player heads, not too sure).
Well in the new 1.8 update, they have changed player heads a bit and they might not be as glitchy now. It would be cool to see them ingame.