Yes, i'm a snarky smartass, on a server with a high population of snarky smartasses. Did I engage in the snarky back-and-forth Jason listed in his report? Yep. Was I the only one? Nope. Did Jason ignore me or stop bantering with me? Nope. Granted that some people have thicker skins than others, but this is a multiplayer game, and also the tools are there to ignore someone. It takes two to tango, and the first inkling that I got of Jason being upset was a threat to report me. Well, sorry I can't read your mind to tell when your feelings are hurt. You engaged in a back-and-forth and got a bloody nose. You know what, it'll heal, and I don't hold a grudge about something like this forum thread. *shrug* And I will totally admit that some things break through *my* thick skin too. For example I vehemently dislike the use of "gay" or "fag" as even mild insults. I express my displeasure openly at such things, but it's almost never a breech of the rules to be reported. I admit I do try to curb my direct trolling, bitter sarcasm and profanity as I know the server has a very high population of very young users and i'm an old fart. But at some point some of them playfully poke at me and get upset when I playfully poke back harder than they expected. That's what happens on the playground sometimes isn't it? Chill out Jason and get your butt back in the game. (I'm almost certain you didn't give all your stuff away, you just feel upset and hurt) I'll give you a shiny diamond lollipop to make you feel better. (No, that's not sarcasm, it's silliness. Joke *with* me, not *against* me)