ive been seeing more and more of the people i knew going and the amount of players dropping and it makes me sad sometimes they come on but not much anymore. I think i know the reason why anyone like so share why they think it is happing
I know many people are waiting for the reset. They don't want to have all their hard work disappear. I believe that once we get Skygrid reset, everyone will come back and many new players will jump on. I know I haven't built anything in months over there and the reset is why. Can't wait for the reset!!
Same, I haven't been on in a while because I am awaiting the reset. You should definately try Skyblock tho!
You all confirmed what i was thinking it is because of the reset they are just tired they prepared for a reset that never happened i for one thought it was going to be a month until the reset happened months later it has not and when new players come on they hear it is going to be reset and quit because they just started and don't want to waste time on something that will be reset i just wish we knew date a estimate of when they think it will happen that is better then nothing but that's just my opinion.
As I said in the post here: https://aemservers.net/threads/a-lost-suggestion-page.7741/#post-46112 We want it to be 1.8 but it's just a waiting game for plugins and for Alex to get enough free time to be able to make sure it goes smoothly. Copy and Pasted here if you don't feel like opening a new tab/window: Spoiler
about the players there are a lot of new players starting 2 I am hoping that thay wont get 2 disheartened losing there stuff once the reset begins but then agen there's a large scale of players purely weighting on reset and who have moved over to all the other servers just weighting for the moment thay get the news the reset happened and I am shore a lot will come poring back
Agreed, we need the reset, a date for the reset, or no reset at all. Preferably the first one though! #WeNeedReset