Hey everyone, it's Aussie ;D So, er, yeah. For the most part, I'm quitting. I'm pretty sure NONE OF YOU CARE >w< ( ;-; ) But anyway, I'm just gonna blabber on about it because I'm bored. Reasons: Most of my good friends quit. (1Pieceluffy, badbord, alex_101, penst8r1855, etc.) I have nothing more to do on Survival. The soon-to-come reset. Lack of time. Also, to answer Speed's question, I never called you someone I'd miss when I said I was quitting because you never really paid much attention to me recently, anyway. It's pretty much just been you and Teddy, whom I hate. So, yeah. Even though I pissed almost everyone off before, let's have one more question before I leave! (Yaaaayyyy) What was your favorite Aussie moment? Answer below! Bye everyone, I really did love AEM, but it's time I move on. I love you all P.S., Can someone send this to Speed? Thx :3
Its a shame your leaving, from the little interaction we have had, I enjoyed your presence. My favorite Aussie moment is when you replied to my Giveaway. (PS: Will we be able to see you on other AEM servers?