I have noticed that recently, there hasn't been as much staff on as there used to be. But I know how to fix that ! Maybe Alex/Ethan can create a new staff rank, called Jr-Helper or something like that. The age requirement could be ages 13+, and it would get very few staff perms, like /kick. I would appreciate it if someone could leave feedback/suggestions on this post! Thanks for reading!
there is just helper, which only has kick and mute. Still this takes people to be mature, young people are more easily to abuse their power and will kick and mute people they dont like
Good idea but volk is right. If jr-helper existed, it would probably have to be extremely hard to get so they can get the right people. So in a way, there is no point because there are probably only few of mature teenagers willing to be staff.
Well maybe 13+ is a could idea, first of all more staff, and you can make the Jr-Helpers what they kicked the person and why. Besides not all kids areabusive of their power. And also, even if a kid is abusive of the power, its only a kick, u could just log back on and return to what you were doing, or file a complaint.
Good idea I like it also if someone was abusing the power higher staff members even helpers could take the power away
What's stopping the jr-helper from kicking again? Sorry, but there is simply too much power for a 13 year old to have. The actions of a staff member affect how others see the server, and personally if I witnessed a gross abuse of power like that, I would quit playing on that server. There are always exceptions, but if you want to help people, you don't need be staff do to so.
What if the staff Jr.Mod was basically no perms. Theyre there to help other players and thatd be all.
you do know of /helpop or is it /ophelp ?? There is more staff on than you think, even when you think nobody is on.
@Diamonds1358 , that's because immature people always bought it then abused. It was a buyable rank, and it was very smart of the staff team to remove it.
This is a great idea. They wouldn't be able to abuse at all. The [Jr-Helper] tag would just let people know that that if they needed help, they could ask a junior helper.
if people need help they can ask in chat, alot of players are willing to help having a jr-helper rank is not needed, for it wont do anything
What's the point of having Jr.staff with no perms? It's the same as being as you are now helping. -You do not need a rank to help players. Staff isn't a rank to overpower people as you please or just for the sake of the prefix. It's an honor to have it and it has to be gained, why take chances on people abusing it when they can earn it the way it is now. Yes there are lesser staff but it's better than getting kicked constantly, muted or banned for nothing. Like in pvp servers, once in combat, an abusive staff can just kick him and he loses his stuff, I don't think this is a good idea.