My base got raided today by Mr_LightViper, Tree_Killer, and a few others. They recorded it and it is on YouTube. Type "AEM Factions Raiding Kurt0001" and you will see it. However, Mr_LightViper TOTALLY abused because he found my base by flying. I think that is abusing his moderator power because any normal player (Not even an Overlord) can not fly. So, he got a VERY unfair advantage which made him find my base easier and he also cheated. If he hadn't had flown he probably would not have found my base. Please ban him or at least make him return my stuff! I have a screenshot of him admitting to flying to find my base. If you want me to show it to you I can! 1 more thing: Mr_LightViper was teasing me and bad mouthing behind my back in that video. Staff members are supposed to be respectful to their players. Thank you for your time.
Ok I will. How do you upload a screenshot into the forums? Also, watch the video. You will see him being mean to me.
Ok, firstly, Let me get this straight. I FOUND your base, because it was an unclaimed skybase which left shadows in the water. I don't know if you're familiar with this, but it makes it EXTREMELY easy to find. I had a base nearby as well and was trying to find a spot to build. I wasn't flying at sky level, but at ground level to check the terrain, as Uprise (our faction) is very picky on where we make our base. I came across some dark spots in the water, and built up (There should be a tower I built up, just so you know). And for me bad-mouthing you, to be honest, It's a taste of your own medicine. You're constantly calling people "easy" and people honestly do not enjoy that. You've worked up a reputation on factions and trust me, its not a good one. Quite honestly Kurt, getting raided is the least you deserve.
There is a good reason why I call people "eZ." It is because Danny129077 and Jbroom01 were being complete jerks before I started calling people "eZ." Jbroom, Danny, and all of their friends called me eZ and calling me names before I started calling people eZ. Plus, everyone is mean to me on this server. So, me calling everyone eZ is just a taste of their own medicine, Mr_LightViper. I don't care if you flew on ground level. The point is, you still flew. Good job hiding the evidence with that obsidian tower. I will show the evidence and let the admins deal with it.
He deserves anything that happens to him.....they way he takes advantage of new players who make a fac is deplorable. what does a noob have after being on the server 30 minutes? he is probably the cause of AEM losing a lot of new people.
I honestly think reporting staff members for abuse isn't a good idea. I've been reported many times for 'abusing' when it's just a misunderstanding. Staff members are chosen carefully, and owners spend a lot of their free time talking and trusting all their staff members. If one were to abuse, they would immediately be caught and spoken to. Staff members are given the permission to fly for a reason, flying around looking for bases does sound a little bit unfair, but they spend all their free time keeping the whole server safe. If they're spending all their time doing so, I believe it's fair to give them permission to fly. Like Mr_LightViper stated, you can't really complain that he found your base by flying. Any player could've seen it just by swimming through the water, or using a boat. It just so happens that a Moderator stumbled apon it. If there were so many items in that base that you cared for, why would you leave it unclaimed, above water in the air? Would've been a better idea to hide it underground, or at least claim the land around the base. You've also been reported, and punished for breaking rules and being a pain in chat many, many times. I would come online and I would receive 1-5 messages about how you're always talking crap to players, or just pissing them off by breaking a rule or abusing a broken plugin. I would even get complaints about you when you're not even online, how you're always logging in combat, bypassing the broken plugin. I'm actually surprised you're not banned off the whole network. Like I said earlier, reporting a staff member doesn't help anything. It just makes the whole situation worse. I would just say leave it alone, and move on.