This is a hard one i guess......... not like that cheeky But srsly i mean the only main jobs available on survival that are part of the plug in are like resident,vip,assistant,mayor and king. I mean there are like builders,miners,shop owners,mall,owners,apt owners,lumber jacks,designer and landscaper but like these arn;t like official jobs like part of the plugin I think it would be really cool if like you could acknowledge these people by being able to give them titles. Also maybe like a rich list of the people with the most money exct. I think this my like encourage more people to have jobs because lets be honest its really hard to get 4k at the start of the game to get a town, you could be put as assistant but for theses who don't i think they might need more encouragement by like giving them a title and a proper job JOB Title 1.BUILDER 2.decorator owner 4.Lumberjack 5.Miner 6.Landscaper You could also like rank up depending how much you sold of that good or servers so like 1.exterior designer 2.designer woman or man 4.logger trader 5.ore trader 6.Landscape designer then if your really good 1.Architect 2.Interior designer 3.entrepreneur 4.Global Trader (both of them are unless someone can come up with a name for both) 5.Global Trader (both of them are unless someone can come up with a name for both) 6.Urban Planner If anyone can come up with some more other ideas like this or relevant to it illd be really happy to hear your ideas to.
There not like offical jobs though like mayor and assistant but i hope they make it part of the plugin so builders and the like get titles to
Its more like looking for improvements on survival and after all it would be better if i got replies from people who actually PLAY SURVIVAL instead of everyone who may not neccersilary know all the facts about the plugin already. But nether the less i already had put the post there to as i felt it would fit both..
The server already has mc jobs plugin. I think it would be great if the server would put a shop for each job where players can sell items. Like alchemy shop or farmer`s shop (a stack of wheat, $5 or something), etc. The more a player produce items the more they lvl up and sell more.
At the moment there are only mayor assistant king and vip in a town.... there is no like proper job plug in. We want like titles for builders,miners ect
Currently I feel as though the listed jobs are plenty. If any more are added on it could turn into say an MMO or MMORPG, you are unable to pick between them, because they are all so expensive to start, and there come to be so many that you think one is best, a player uses all their money on it, then they find something better, break apart the last one, leave them with nothing, leaving players slowly leaving due to lack of resources, currency, etc;. Also, those who are higher in the ranks with more resources and money overall, they will become dominant in more of the jobs, like they already are, and gain more and more until they are the dominant people of the server. And AEM is really only about having fun and being equal, this would put that out of line. It could create a ripple in survival overall. T
I kinda of see where you going and if im right then i think your going slightly think your going I kinda of see where your going but ild like to point these things out first. 1. These are jobs it dosen't cost you to BECOME a builder or miner for instance. But instead you make money and get a title depending on how good you are at your job of selling your goods or service. 2.There is only mayor,assistant,vip and king available (with titles) at the moment..... thats not many jobs. The whole point of these jobs is to get people who don't know how to play towny or want to actually be more than a resident at the start so they can enjoy the server at the start. For instance if your not part of town your stuff can get grieved in wild and you will be all alone. Though being in town you can make your house or shop but thats it and then u save up for town or whatever. Personally I find that when you start you should be able to start your like own business eg. Mikes mining. From here they can make like a little store in the the wild with some command or plot claiming so they don't get grieved OR they can start it in like a town with special plots for them (which they already have) Though your probably thinking but Poro they already have shops and u can put your signs to say what your business is called and you would be dead right, you can do that but i want it so that you get a title like the ones i posted at start of post so people can recognise them for that. Also i want it to be able that you can have shops not just in one town but multiple so you can have like a global business chain. So you could have like a little shop in multible towns with out actually living in the town. And also having the title of being a miner (for example) and depending on how many goods of that area or service you sell you get a better like rank in that area. so for miner i had 1.miner 2.ore trader trader Sorry though for not making it clear that starting of as any of these would not cost you money and that the whole point of this was to encourage new players to actually stay and play on the server instead of join for like 10mins then leaving.
Ah k I will be 100% honest with you, thats a metric butt-ton of words, so I only skimmed it. But yea.
@Poro I hear you stating job titles and more of the such for jobs. Doing this is purely (not being mean here) stand up retarded. People either earn titles and ranks from purchasing or trading items in-game for someone to buy it for them. Getting more titles included in this would make it more work for @AlexM850 to create them, be sure it does not conflict with the other titles and ranks, and set it so the title matches what you donated for, which is a metric ton of work for one or two people (the coders), while he could be working that would make a lasting difference in our server, such as the OPPrison release, HUNDREDS of people have been waiting for this, while as this simple yet hard to achieve edit to the server would merely delay the large majority of people. As most people say, satisfy one, or satisfy the majority?
@Poro Also, for the new players, if it takes them a rank to get them to stay, they are not true AEM'rs, those who will respect this community, ensure that this amazing community achieves greatness, and who could care less about a petty word or two stating your importance. These are the people who I would like to see grow in this community, to help others before themselves. If you think a rank would get people to stay, think again buddy, they just like it because 1. Its free and 2. They feel empowered.
When i mean by rank i mean When i mean like rank i mean like you can have mayors of town due to the plugin but not like a global rank only ranks that is part of a town eg dauntlesss lumberjack or miner (and it has it beside there name) thats all like the perks they get nothing else. (so it makes newer players feel like they are important and don't leave straight away
For the last time, if new players need ranks to stay, no would would really think of them as true AEM'rs. Also, why would you recieve perks? You get the starter kit, money for voting, what next, you want the owner to pay your taxes?
First of all they get no actual PERK!!!! so that whole starter kit thing idk where you got that in your head. second of all have you played some faction servers? If so do you see that sometimes they will have like name tags saying what faction they are in. and even sometimes what job they do. Thats pretty much all I want for towny so people in chat it will say beside there name what town they are in and the mayor can put what job he does if the mayor desires to. so it's not an official rank its just some description the mayor gives them. But sometimes! things like this people actually feel attached to as they feel like they have some importance to the town so that might stay a little longer. It dosen't mean they are true AEM'rs but you can't actually get aem'rs until people actually play the game frequently so getting them to stay is important and giving the mayor the ability to give them certain jobs and make it seem kind of official to the town so they feel needed and play longer and become an aem'r.