Have you been looking for potions ? Well look no more because I will provide almost all potions at rock bottom prices. Scamming me is NOT allowed. If you scam me you will put on a KOS list and the price on your head will be $2,000 ( Prices are for 1 bottle each at 3:00 minutes except poison ) ( Add $20 for redstone ) ( Add $1o for glowstone dust ) ( Add $25 for gunpower ) water bottle: $30 awkward potion: $35 Potion of Strength: $70 Potion of Swiftness: $50 Splash Potion of Harming: $80 Potion of Water Breathing: $70 Potion of Regeneration: $90 Potion of Healing: $70 Potion of Night Vision: $70 _______________________________________ Sponsors Anyone who gives me one or more of the following get 25% off for life and starter armor , sword and 1 Splash Potion of poison II. In addition all prices will go down as the more ingredients I have for the potions. Blaze Spawner Spider Spawner Creeper Spawner Zombie pigman Spawner Tax _______________________________________ $40 shipping & handling tax for orders over 36 Potions 6% sales tax
I will be on August 8 or 9. I would like to buy some strength, swiftness, and instant health pots. How many strength, instant health, and swiftness pots can I buy from you?
I would like 54 strength 2 pots, 54 swiftness 2 pots, and 54 instant health 2 splash pots. (162 pots total) Use glow stone for strength and swiftness to make them strength 2/swiftness 2. Use glow stone THEN gunpowder for health pots to make them splash health 2 pots. Price is $13,240 for all of the pots. If you do not have 54 of each of the potions, I will just buy whatever you have. Thanks!
I will be online August 8 (very late 11:00 pm-12:00 am) or August 9. I will be online to check if my base is raided; that is when I get home from vacation.