I'm new to the survival server and I'm looking to create a town, or to help create a town. If anyone can give me any information on how to go about this, or if somebody currently needs help building their town, please shoot me a pm or send me some mail in game @ PoeticNinja. Thank you!
To create a town you have to be trusted and also have 4k. To be trusted you have to play 24 hours and with that rank you are allowed to tpa to people. Also if you want to help run a town with mayor you can be a town assistance like as i am, you would have to join a town and ask if the mayor would like a town assistance to help run the town. Any more questions feel free to contact me. Happy Mining.
Thank you! Is there a command that I can use to get all town commands, or do I have to go to the towny website? I'd like to be able to help anyone who has a question on it
https://aemservers.net/threads/towny-commands.2702/ This is a list of towny commands if you would like, or for more general ones do /mayor once u make the town. The command to make a town is /town new (name). If you need any help just ask.
PoeticNinja, I, well, my friend currently has a town that she is thinking about getting rid of. Perhaps, for only $1k, I can give the town to you with her permission.
PoeticNinja, you have also not been told that for a Mayor you need to pay an upkeep price, for your town to stay up. The upkeep price increases as your town grows bigger, and you must pay it every single night when the sever does its restart. So if you are wanting to create a town I suggest that you must be playing at least once A day and that you always have Money because it will go very quickly from upkeep. Also whenever you are expanding the town, claiming new chunks to your town it also has a cost that comes with it. Each new chunk will cost $30 and comes from the Town Bank. Only put in the Town upkeep money after the reset and only put the amount of money needed to claim new chunks when you do it, because atm the Town banks have a glitch where they reset to $25 every reset, E.g. If you place in $1000 to the town bank, after the reset the town bank goes to $25, and you don't get any of that money back. I hope all this has helped you. Good Luck
Wow, a lot of unseen expenses there. Thanks for that, Brobe, when anyone asks, i'll be sure to mention upkeep costs and claiming land. I appreciate the help guys
Bad news D: The town was shut down recently for lack of money for daily upkeep, sorry :c I wish you the best, however
For towny commands do "/town ?" ingame at it will give you the plugins help documentation. Further commands are listed within.
I joined your town. See you soon. If you need anyone for a helper there or a ranked person in your town, ill be glad to help!