I would first like to say that Lets Edi does not hack. She gets low FPS all the time as i talked to her on Skype. Also i was abused by staff by saying this small sentence. Please tell me why i was muted for saying this? I believe this was ACookie that muted me. http://gyazo.com/c299e326e56623ee68ed2cdbb1e756b7 Reply Yes or no if she should not have been banned and that i was abused.
If they want to be unbanned they'll have to file a ban appeal. We as well do NOT discuss other player bans w/ other players. I'm >thinking< @aCookieGod possibly told you to stop asking about it and then muted you on the matter. I was at work so I can't say for sure if it's true or not. But I'm locking this thread.
You didn't take the screenshot of what they did, therefor no, it's not abuse. GG though. @aCookieGod doesn't abuse and ban players for no reason.
Well, lemme put in my story real quick. The reason why you were muted is because many, many players were complaining about why she was banned. I've gotten many complaints, and videos of LetsEdi hacking and using aimbot/forcefield. 5-15 players were screaming in chat about the problem. So, there was a big argument going on in public chat, so I had no other choice than to lock chat for a few minutes. While I deal with LetsEdi's ban. After a few seconds of the chat being locked, EvanYoshi, Kurt, yourself and many other players started bypassing the chat lock, and started auctioning named items saying she should not be banned. I locked chat for a reason, not for you guys to annoy staff members while they're trying to do their jobs. Once she was banned, I told all players not to talk about the recent ban and forget about everything. Whoever asks about it, will be muted for 5-10 minutes due to all the drama in the chat. You were one of those players, it's not 'abusing' if you were told not to speak about it, and warned that you would be silenced.