Mr_LightViper, I am not being a hypocrite. For a long time, people (including you) have been treating me with disrespect. People have been starting bad forums about me. I did not start that. People are mean , including you, in game. Mr_LightViper, you say "oh it's Kurt" whenever I log on. (You say that in a mean way) CadeBoss425 said that I don't deserve respect on the forums. Ricky Zheng 012 posted that Nasty forum about me with the screenshot. Let's just be nice to each other and end this.
#meetmehalfwayandtheniwillsupportdis I'm serious. You can't walk around saying ezpz to an admin, or in this case, to anyone ._. . On other servers, that will get your self an "eZ" gban. If you actually agree to this, sure, why not? All i'm saying is that if your legitimately willing to change, I'd meet you half way. Respect is a two way street. There, rant ovah
Have you ever thought WHY they have made bad comments about you and made bad threads about you? It's because you're SO disrespectful to us. You have been warned MULTIPLE times for disrespect and various other crimes against the server. You think you're all innocent don't you. Look at the way you ACT. Look at the way you SPEAK. Look at the way you WRITE. You have made yourself one of the most HATED people on this server. I'm going to lock this thread to make you think about all this. Think Kurt, why are all these people making these mean threads about you. Why do all these people dislike you. Think about this. Think about this.