So I have started a town and it only has 2 other residents beside me. I want you to join, Kroxios is Always expanding so if you have a friend who needsa town send him to me, the rent is $0.01 each day (in game money) I would like Trusted+ people, but if your almost trusted or on yor way to trusted that is fine too. Also If You can i would prefer if your builds/ houses were steam-punk or western or Nordic because I'am trying to go for the rustic theme. To Join do /t join Kroxios and then to /t outpost 1 for plots then do /plot claim and start building. if you need wood then do /warp mooshie5 for a tree farm. remember to replant. View attachment 638 View attachment 638 View attachment 639 View attachment 640 View attachment 641 View attachment 642 Form IGN: Favorite Minecraft Job: THANKS! -Toxic
Also Post Your Form on this thread or you can pm me. In the Main Town We have free build. and we also have a freebuild in the outpost which would be /t outpost 1 thanks!