Hi , my name is vKustomZ and i just want to say the only staff i see on AEM KitPvP and Skywars is ACookieGod on KitPVP and Woopitsme , also on Skywars i have never seen one staff member, im not saying anything bad just on skywars could possibly be a staff member! Thanks vKustomZ
https://aemservers.net/threads/staff-app-faq.4051/ https://aemservers.net/threads/applying-for-staff.3552/
Thats not true, Rinne (or Japan) is on a lot, I see her whenever I am on so there is always some way to contact staff
I'm mostly on Survival and Skywars. Probably different timing A lot of players know me in skywars as i pop in everyday to play with them. They also come to survival if they need me in skywars. Since skywars is my second home.
Its cool cuz its true whenever I need help either you or Jerekul help so I should be thanking you guys so, Thank you.