Hi everyone, so a couple of weeks back this guy called afflictionated killed me in the end against my will as I was collecting ender pearls, at the time he was trying to lure people into the end by placing diamond ore blocks, he had mistaken me for someone who came looking for them. Could you mods sort the b****** out please?
so then take down the damned sign stating against killing players against their will for Christ sake. misleading.
A few things. First of all, it is a stated rule that all PvP kills in the end are allowed, unless they were flying which is against rules. Secondly, there is a warning as you enter in the chat that it is a PvP zone, so it was a fair kill, and complaining about it wont make it any better ( If I seem a little aggressive, it's because this gets annoying when people complain about stuff after they ignore warnings. )
The end is still ther, (Do /warp end) but the PvP aspect can only be accessed in Arenas and /warp pvp1 and /warp pvp2