I have never cussed on the server but got kicked for swearing. I have had warnings for using the word handy which in england and the rest of the world is not a swearword, this time i do not know what slang word i used that american kids have come up with that is deemed swearing . The servers have people from all over the world, how do we know what word has been hijacked by a tiny % of the worlds population? the big words absolutely but making every slang word a kicking offense is not working. Plus there are tons of words used in a bad way in england that most of the mods would have no clue as to the double meaning off.
yeah i realize that now but everywhere else in the English speaking world it means something useful, it is not like the recognized swearwords. And there is no way swedes or the dutch etc would realize they are "swearing", even i did not know and i am english
Well this is true pop, here in the USA there happens to be alot of people on social networking that are inappropriate and come up with bad words that I don't even know D; I just try to keep my language educated and just be careful. If it is something that a perverted kid could make into a swear word better be safe than sorry and not say it.
Staff should be a little more lenient on this matter. We aren't supposed to reprimand players for minor cursing. Even dropping an f-bomb is acceptable as long as it isn't excessive or directed at another player, i.e. : "f**k you". A simple innocent word like "handy" shouldn't be reprimanded against either unless it's obvious in the context that the player is being inappropriate. This should be dealt with via a verbal warning and punishment should only escalate from there if the player ignores the warnings.
the swear filter on skygrid is a bit to much of a good, blocks out most words, there are a few vegetables of which you cant even say the name
Ah, I was thinking it was staff that did the kick. I didn't consider a swear filter, since we don't have one on survival (thankfully). We usually have staff on to handle it. It needs a human element to evaluate the context of use to determine if a player is being inappropriate.
but they said they don't have a filter are you ssure it wasn't just you lagging out? It does happen sometimes.
It's so annoying on SkyGrid because you can't even put a capitalized letter at the beginning of a sentence xD