I see Aemservers go to page 2...then 3...then 4...I only play a skyblock but it gets lonely...I really hope AlexM850 can get a way to repopulate the server like it used to be. I only recognize very few people now when I join skyblock, and It make me cri...I don't wanna see the server go down...minecraftservers.org #1 is ArkhamNetwork, we used to be even better than them :'(.... I actually miss the times when chat was full of people asking how to do simple stuff...why? Because it showed the amount of people still interested in joining, and it showed the activity. Now the chat is sad...it misses 10 yr old spam feeds...it wants to be able to tell you that there's more than 50 players on the server at all times. I remember being on at 2am CST (Texas) and there would be 10-20 people online, in skyblock alone! That's the amount the server has altogether at 8:00 pm PST.. (California) it make me feel sad...I cri erytim! I am 100% down for advertising The server but i am human and it does make me feel that I'm doing wrong, I remember 2 years ago a kid introduced me to the server, and it was lively, and stayed full of happiness and real people . What's the next move toward server development/reputation boosting? This Panda Emperor need MORE Panda's to rule and take over the world >!!!
no...your not a spammy boy...your one of the usernames in /list that i don't miss... But...join the Panda Rebellion and your username may make me cringe a little less...