I am trying to connect to the AEM server. I keep getting the error "Error occurred while contacting login servers, are they down?" I have tried restarting Minecraft and restarting my computer. Anyone have any ideas? all the other servers in my list I can connect to fine its just AEM.
I was able to get right in, are you still have connection issues? Hub1 was down for a bit over night so that was causing a lot of the probs, but it should be resolved now. Please let me know if your issues are still there.
I am having the same problems since yesterday and still can't get in. I have had [Mod}pyrolily help me and she tired everything in her power to get me back in and still nothing. Also she gave me the direct ip and still didn't work at all. She also reported that their were spike lags and a lot of people wernt able to get in at all.
Yeah I keep getting the login server issue every once in awhile , partly after getting kicked for spamming cactusfarmer >.<