ok well first of all I live on an island of which I_Hate__Creepers is the owner and when /is top updates It should be on it. I do most the work on the island. and of course, our /is party is glitches out, and im not listed on it. does this mean I will not be listed on /is top? and if so, is there a fix? because I think this is unfair, and I know im not the only person having this problem. This is kinda off subject, but I also had a cool idea. maybe make /is top like /baltop. have /is top (number). although I hope this would not cause the same problem we are having with /baltop.
That's like me. Im on an island of which nick_godoy is the leader of but when I do */is level* it shows 3400 and then when nick does it it says around 500; so obviously Im in the top 20 islands or something like that but when I do */is top* it says I'm like 115th which is basing it on nicks level..