Ok, so recently, I've came across this really cool mod called Schematica. Probably most of you know what it is, but if you don't, Google it ;P. For ages now, I've really wanted to somehow make a replica of my current island and in the future. Currently I'm waiting for the 1.8 version to come out. I think that it kind of has an advantage but not too much of an unfair one, so I'm writing this to confirm if it's allowed or not. Thanks, Atomic
From my knowledge of the mod, it does NOT save any world seed information or anything involving the world the copy is in. What it does is saves x block in its location so it then could be placed or built on another world/save. It however does allow for placing blocks fast and far. In my point of view as long as it's just to copy and move the isle to another save; there shouldn't be any issues with it. @Jerekul @Volkrot @nick_godoy @AlexM850 @EthanM850 Unless any of them has any objections to it.
Schematics mod allows you to make a copy of something and save it sort of like a screenshot, when you then choose this schematic it will show you how to build it and how many/type of blocks you need. I use it often for making large towns and just need the same build but in a bit differend ways. It is allowed to use