If anyone wants a good iron farm search on YouTube simple iron farm in minecraft and then it's the first one that's by nimstuts
That's the one I have. Really nice because it is so small but it has a somewhat low spawn rate. Good for just supplying your own island but not if you are planning to sell a ton.
i have 11/16 of these and have over 7k iron horded and that is after selling stacks of clocks it works fine for selling also saves on space in corners and the stuff needed
How to you get around the problem of iron farms not working within x blocks from each other? It would work fine for me in that way if not for that.
The hardest part for some people will be getting the villagers. If you are going to do this I would recommend saving up the amount you need to get 2 villager spawn eggs. After you get those eggs you can then breed them to get more. Then start your iron farm.
villager eggs arnt that hard to get its just a matter of having the money as not many people will sell them cheep or give them away but if you get lucky by voting you can get aswell if i had spare i would help you out
hi, im trying to do just this on my island, so if anyone want to sell me 2 villager eggs ill pay 4k. but if you can sell me the eggs and think that the price is too low id be happy to negotiate with you.