Survival Players! So I know I haven't really been on much and there is a good reason for that. Recently my computers motherboard went out and I have been without a working PC for well over a week now. There is good news though! as of about 3 days ago I put in the order for a new computer and I am expecting it to arrive in the first week of august. Once that gets here I will be on A LOT more again. So hang in there, I haven't left ya'll forever. In the mean time, I can do my best to assist through minechat. Usually I can handle grief depending on the severity of it and as long as you cooperate and stand RIGHT next to said grief. So I will see you all in a few weeks when I can actually get on and play again
My screen has a giant crack in it. Probably has a year left in it if no one fucks it up. till then rip my minecraft experience
Just to update my status. I am currently still awaiting the update on my order to say it is in assembly, once that happens I should receive my new computer within 4-8 days from then. It should be going into assembly anytime in the next two days...... I hope
Update 2: My computer has officially entered Assembly which means it should arrive to me next week. If there are no issues with parts inside the computer I should be up and going within a day or so after getting it. Cannot wait to be back on again
Update 3: Happily I can say that it has already entered quality control, which means it might even ship before the estimated ship date. Still wont get it till next week. Should be faster than expected though
Update 4: Computer is now in final quality control which means it will be shipping as late as tomorrow. So I should be up and running mid-late next week if no compications in the pc arise.