How to Become Strong In Factions

Discussion in 'Factions' started by Opifex100, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. Opifex100

    Opifex100 Guest

    Hello AEM Faction Players,

    In this thread I want people to post helpful tips on how to be successful in factions!
    If you are a new player to factions and you are just starting out on the server then you pry don't have much more than your starter kit. Most large factions won't want someone like this. So you only have a few choices:

    1.) You make your own faction by yourself and it doesn't go anywhere.
    2.) You just play factionless which is against what factions is about.

    Both of these options are no fun. Factions is about teaming with other players, raiding bases, and killing anyone who gets in your way. So here are some helpful tips that will make you into a pro like me.
    - Opifex100


    Helpful Tips List:

    - #1 rule in factions is to NEVER trust ANYONE you don't know well. If you put trust in the wrong people you will be left with nothing and broke.

    - Memorize all the rules for the server. You don't want to wind up putting in a lots of work into the server and then get penalized for breaking a rule you had no clue existed. To do this simply use the command /rules and read them all or check the official faction rules posted on the faction's forum page. Also make sure to memorize the warp pvp rules as they are not listed in the official rules but are still enforced by staff. They are clearly displayed at all drop points in the warp pvp.

    - Always have a game plan. There is a lot of work to be done in factions and so you will want to have set goals that you work to accomplish. This will keep you active and organized in your gameplay. Goals can include finding a location to call home, working on your faction, or making a farm to gain money.

    - Have a group of friends to play with, this will make things much more enjoyable and can make grindy work like building a base or farm go much faster. Also in pvp you will have guys to back you up in a tough fight. It's best to have some sort of way to communicate with them outside of minecraft. I suggest using Skype or Teamspeak.

    - Always make sure you keep your faction secure, don't invite random people that you have no way in trusting. This will most likely result in your base becoming a crater. Keep your faction closed and only invite trusted players that you know.

    - Learn how to make a strong base, the best way is to use obsidian and water. A base that is pretty won't last. Don't make your base for looks. Thats what survival is for. In factions you want a watered base with layers that enemies can't tnt cannon into easily. There are many videos that you could watch that show how to make strong bases.

    - Learn how to pvp. There are lots of useful tips that could save your life if you look into them. There are many videos that can tell you all the techniques for pvp in factions. The most commen pvp in factions is p4 gapple fights in which you need to break your opponent's armor to kill them. So study up!

    - Vote for the server! Voting for the server not only helps bring new players in, it also gives you some very nice rewards. You can get 4 Super Golden Apples a day and potentially gear and weapons. If you are one of the top 15 voters you will receive donation credit for the server which you can use to purchase a rank with which makes voting everyday even more worthwhile.

    - Make lots of money! Money is one of the best things you can have in factions. The best ways at the moment to get money is to sell either Sugarcane or Cactus in the shop. There are many farm designs you can look up on the internet if needed.

    - Get allies. Once you have your faction established and you are ready to get playing look for some strong allies that can help you in pvp or at a raid. Remember that you can't be against everyone and win. But you also don't have too many allies, you still want people to kill ;) . Look for active and helpful factions. Not small and weak ones. Those will just clutter your allies list. Same goes for enemies.

    - MCMMO plays a very large role in factions. By upgrading your MCMMO you can become extremely powerful. There are many different things you can get your MCMMO up for. You can check all of your stats by simply doing /stats. The max you can go is 1000 but there are a few categories that can go over 1000. MCMMO is a very large expansion to the game and you definitely will want to study up on it.

    - Always keep a watchful eye on the faction's forums and look for new content and potential updates. This will keep you up to date on the state of the server and you can look at the different discussions for useful information. Recently the server has hosted a number of events that are lots of fun and have some great rewards if you win. Check littlekang's event thread for more on events.

    Now if there in anything you think I should add to this list or think that I didn't go over good enough simply reply below with your suggestions or /mail me in factions and I will be sure to look it over and possibly add to the list. Thanks for reading and good luck!
    #1 Opifex100, Feb 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 26, 2015
  2. kungfucarrot20

    Jan 19, 2015
    Trophy Points:
  3. littlekang

    May 1, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    I did not read the whole thing so I don't know if you covered this or not. But MCMMO is a key thing to factions aswell. If you want to pvp I would get your mcmmo axes, swords, and brewing up. Nice work Opifex :D
  4. Opifex100

    Opifex100 Guest

    Thanks Kang, I added a section briefly discussing it :)
  5. Tree_Killer_

    May 11, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Good from you Opifex100
  6. Beqn

    May 1, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    And, if you want to impress a very powerful player, say "bean" a few times in chat and he might just give you some stuff. ;)
  7. GreenXander

    Jan 30, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    This is why i am successful lol
  8. littlekang

    May 1, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    powerful player, yeah right cadeboss :p
  9. Opifex100

    Opifex100 Guest

    I taught u everything I know ;)
  10. Opifex100

    Opifex100 Guest

    Anyone think i missed anything? All info helps. I want this to guide new players into getting decent at playing