Hey guys! I was playing AEM today and was thinking to my self "How should everyone be treated on AEM"... So this topic happened lol. Anyways, in this forum page, I am going to be talking about how people treat people in real life and also on AEM Servers. As always, I hope that you all enjoy and of course leave your thoughts and comments down below in the comment section . First of all, I just want to start of by saying "treat others the way you want to be treated". Now, we have all heard this in the past before and taken it for granted... but I can assure you that this quote will change the way that you live. For example, if you want to make new friends, be nice to people. If you do not, then don't. That simple. But is it really? The answer is no. There are many things in the world that could influence a person's perspective on another person such as race, childhood terrors, family beliefs, etc... Now, I am not saying that you should go back on what you have learned and known for your whole life, but you need to understand that life can not be thoroughly lived if you live in constant fear and hatred of someone. You need to understand that others are going to treat you the way that you treat them. Now, of course there is going to be the exception of someone still wanting to be your friend after you have been mean/rude/hatred towards them, but 99% of the times, they will not like you anymore and show you the same respect that you gave them. I believe that everyone has good in them, so everyone should be treated nicely and with respect. No one wants to be hated, so no one should hate. It is an awful feeling knowing that someone is displeased with you, and what makes it worse is when you know that you can not do anything about it. So what can you do to change that? The first thing that you can do is WATCH WHAT YOU SAY! This is a big one (Especially on AEM). Players just do not know when to stop, and all they do is keep digging a bigger hole. Just make sure that what you say is something that you wouldn't be offended if someone said the same thing about you. The next thing to do is TALK IT OUT! Make sure to let the person know that you are sorry for whatever you did. Talking to someone is the best thing that you can do to feel less stressed and be more at ease. The last thing that you do is MAKE SURE TO NEVER DO IT AGAIN! If you follow these steps, you will be in pretty good shape . Again, no one likes to be treated poorly, so make sure that you do not treat anyone in anyway that you would not want them to treat you. And once again, remember that we are all a big family, so bickering will be common . I hope that you all enjoyed this post and if you did, make sure to tell me and of course tell me your thoughts down below in the comment section . Have a nice day
I agree with this. All I ask is that this doesnt become a flamewar, like the other two threads similar to this..
Couldn't agree with you more over here. Anyone can go on with their rants none stop and giving their opinion but what would that change. Humans are stubborn, you tell them something they don't like and they become ignorant. We all make mistakes, doesn't mean everyone would learn from it "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me." shows that not everyone advances after making mistakes. Treat someone like a prince/princess and you know how greed is thus I won't explain it. we tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. But how many people do you know that actually make a true effort to practice it in real life? You treat them kindly knowing they won't do the same. Never to let people down, upkeep your words. Are you willing to go beyond kindness, to give people chances even if they do not deserve. Do you have the strength to uphold your words even if the world does everything in its power to tear that away from every inch of your muscle. I may not treat everyone the way I want them to treat me, but I do try to a point and hope you guys feel the same. You can tell someone to stop treating this person badly but would they. Who are you to them, preaching doesn't work for all. If it did, we would have world peace and freed from crimes. It's our hands that murdered the world full of peace.
I see a lot of immature players use the staff as a venting tool or demand we build for them... Players need to understand staff are also players and love the game just as much as they do... I love building just as much as the next minercaft player isnt that the point of the game... Players forget we receive thousand pm when we get on and some just get upset when we don't reply within five seconds For example I was online and so were Avery hedge and cross and tell me why all the players were asking me every question.. Just have fun and don't break the rules and we shouldn't have a problem..
Not only this, but I believe you have connections with people and if you burn that bridge to fast, you may lose help in the future when needed. I actually just heard this story today: This girl was in college and she had this professor who was SUPER nice, and got taken advantage of by most of her students. Even though this girl could take advantage of this teacher, she tried her best to not. Yes, she did occasionally but not as bad as the other students.. Around 30 years latter, this girl has a family and her oldest daughter is grown up looking for a job... she went to an interview... the boss of this company was that professor... That professor so happens to remember when the girl was in college and it was the first thing she said... the daughter got the job... was it because of her mom's actions? Or was it truly the girl's actions? What I am trying to say is that what you don't even have affects on you, but also your family and friends, and your kids, etc. Do not burn your bridges, even if you want too.. No one is perfect, we have imperfections, just deal with them. You know a person that needs a friend? Befriend them! That qualit(ies/y) you do not like, just get past it... You do not know how much a small compliment can help someone's life. We are online, what you do here will be remembered maybe by just one person but still it is remembered. We do not know how people are feeling due to hidden emotions, we are only typing to one another (unless teamspeak ... so fun y'all should join us!!!!)... Do you really know what you say can affect them? You could be just their boiling point, they have been pushed earlier that day, and you say one thing and they blow.. Making their whole reputation on here falter. @zRinne this is exactly right.. You always know what to say ^-^