Well Hello Everyone, My name is Bailey but my Ign Is Brobe40 You will see me in Survival as MaestroBrobe, which is Italian for Master Creative and Skyblock are just my Default names Brobe40 so if you see me don't be afraid to say Hi, I don't Bite...... Much. If anyone was Wondering What Brobe Meant Well Its a Combination of my First and Last Name. First Letter of First name and first 4 Letters of Last Name B = Bailey robe = Robertson! AEM has become a Large part of my Life because their is always someone I can Help and I love doing so. At School I did what we Called the Big Brother/Sister Program or BBBS For Short, which myself and a Group of Others were able to look after a Whole class of Year 8's 2 Times a Week, first for Form Class, and Second for the Lunch Times activities we would organize, this would have gone terrible if we all did not get along with each other and teamwork was a huge deal. It was Amazing because I was always able to Help each one and they loved to see me Show up to their Shows and Activities. So you can see what I am saying here Now I am a Builder I love Building Designing and I am never Stopping, Always Building new Things, the only problem is I hate not have all the materials needed or that I can't Fly, that's why I First off Got Elite, I very Super Nice Person Bought me Elite on Survival, I was so happy that day..... Two Days Later I ranked up Which Was just amazing, and then about another 2-3 Weeks I am where I am now Ultimate, On Skyblock I am still default but I am hoping someone may be able to get me Fly Rank, or just a Rank in General. That would be Amazing I have 1 Little Annoying pest of a Sister which hates Minecraft, But I always get her to look at the game She loves Adventure Time But Oh My Glob I am the Adventure Time Fan in this Family And that's just Uuunnnaccccceptaaabllleeeee!!!! He He As Most would know I am a Redstoner I just love doing anything Redstone, But I get annoyed Quick when some stuff does not work on Survival seeing they Did a patch on Survival Redstone Items. Gerrrrr... But I still Try anyways, finding and creating Designs that May work, Especially Redstone Elevators which I have gone Through about 8 Designs now Which none Work because of the Patch, Now come on return it to its default status, Survival is Nothing without Redstone. I live on redstone. For Now this should be Enough from me, I don't wan't to keep you all from your busy busy Blocky Lives I will Edit this Later on when I think of New Stuff and I hope you guys are not crying of how annoying this is lol But till next time just keep Digging