Hello! I'm Phuzz15, or Alex. I am 16, I play football and rugby, and I am an addict. Not to drugs Not to alcohol But to the Game that is Minecraft. I love this game, been playing it since the third day possible to own such a majestic work of art. Tactical SobStory, Inbound! I used Minecraft to stop me from killing myself. I went through tough times around the 2012 era, and the only way out of it was to do something that took my mind off of harming myself. Then I rediscovered a game I had bought a little while earlier. Thus, the addiction had begun. In other news, I'm a guy who has recovered since, gotten myself a girlfriend, gotten a job, and gotten my life back. I'm still playing Minecraft almost once a day, just because it is unlike any game I have ever played in my life. I love the community, the works of art, and the singleplayer atmosphere. Yet, AEM is second to none in my personal server list, ever since I discovered factions and multiplayer survival. That's really all there is to me. Thanks dewds.