Hi Guys!!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by MikeunbeatableMT, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. MikeunbeatableMT

    So here is a mini-bio of the one u guys call MikeunbeatableMT

    So I was born on a month, a date, and a year in Canada (Date changed to protect myself from stalky stalkers) I was born into a dirt poor asian family. My parents, my brother, and I were helped dearly by the salvation army until my dad finally got a job and moved us to Ill, US. We lived there for years. That is also were I found out I had a hole in my heart. I soon had lots of surgery and the hole was eventually filled. Later I moved into a different city in Il. I made friends and got on with life. Then i moved again into the 9th richest village in America. (Weird huh? From dirt poor to high middle class) (The only reason we r able to live in the village is because we r very cheap and I don't get any presents ever even Christmas and my birthday). So later, in 2012 I found out there was this thing called Minecraft. At first I bad-mouthed it because it was only the misfits and unpopular kids at school that played it. But later, I tried it out, and it turned out dat it was fun! So dat got my Minecraft career going. A year later, I found dis server on Planet Minecraft under the tag Survival. I decided to check it out and started playing. At first, I walked around aimlessly. But soon I helped found with XxAussieloverxX and teddythehammy a town called Zaurberei. A few days later, I was trying to sell potions and such in chat. So i said "Selling 8:00 strength pot!! Only $10 each!!!!!" Soon, I got muted by pyrolily for "Drug-related comments" and so I was like WHAT DA FREAK!!??? I ANT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT DRUGSS!!! WHY DA HELL U MUTE ME PYROLILY WHOEVER DA HECK U R!! (at dat time i didn't know that pot a type of drug)." Soon I was outraged and quit for like 2 days, but then i was like "Aem is da best dough, so i gonna stop quitting." So I got on, prospered, and got VIP rank. So yeah dat is me!! MikeunbeatableMT!!!! Hope u enjoyed my min-bio!!!
    #1 MikeunbeatableMT, Dec 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2014
  2. MikeunbeatableMT

    and also, for doghes of u dat r curious, im am now currently 11, my brother is in college, i am so good at violin a i already have my own student, and yeah!!! LOVE U ALL!!!!!
  3. pyrolily

    May 23, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Hiya mike lol i remember muting you and a belated welcome to aem keep enjoying yourself.