Hey everyone! It's The_Weno. Dont need to panic!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by The_Weno, May 31, 2014.

  1. The_Weno

    May 30, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Hey I'm The_Weno Also known as Weno.
    I'm gonna tell you some stuff about me :).

    Name: Daniel Wenham.

    Birthday: 25 feb, 1999.

    Age: 15.

    Gender: Male.

    How long have you been playing?: About 1 month but I stopped for 2 weeks because i had work :/.

    How often are you online and for how long?: For about 6 hours if I don't have work.

    Biggest accomplishment on this server?: Getting P4 diamond armour in zombies. :D

    Worst thing that ever happened to you?: I broke my leg and collar bone on my birthday when I got my new surf board ;-;

    Your greatest fear?: Losing someone that's important to me.

    Most recent embarassing thing that happened to you?: When I was on the trashcan trying to jump the fence so I could get into the house and then fell inside of it xD.

    Favorite member(s) who plays on this server and why?: Awkward_bunny101 because she's just amazing and very friendly!

    Favorite Animal? Hmmm... I has Alot of favorite animals.. Dog,Cat,Snake,Horse and frogs :3

    Favorite Colour? I don't have A fav colour because im colour blind :p

    Favorite Movie? Green Mile or Titanic ;-;. They both make meh cry :(

    Favorite TV Show?: The Simpsons anddd Star Wars The Clone Wars XD (Don't judge)

    Favorite thing to do with your spare time? Surfing all the way.

    XD Thanks for reading all of this :p I know this might of been boring but yeah thanks for reading :D :)

    #1 The_Weno, May 31, 2014
    Last edited: May 31, 2014
  2. Konata

    Konata Guest

    Well nice to see that you've joined the forums :) Welcome.
  3. The_Weno

    May 30, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Thank You :3